Gabrielle Abitol C.Ht
Subconscious Behaviourist
Gabrielle Abitol is a Certified Hypnotherapist who works with individuals, groups as well as a number of physicians, supporting their practice and ensuring their patients achieve optimal health. She received her certification, Honors in Clinical Hypnotherapy, from, HMI, College of Hypnotherapy, a year long intensive regimen. She's also a member of the Hypnotists Union and The American Hypnosis Association. Gabrielle received her Bachelors in Psychology from Florida International University. She's also the creator of "12 Hours to Transformation", a motivational seminar, the "Inner Self Realization Program", an after school program, as well as the Facebook Group, Daily Inspirations by Gabrielle Abitol.
After a devastating divorce, which resulted in crippling anxiety for Gabrielle. She was barely able to function. Then a determined friend took her to a hypnotherapist, and her life changed overnight. Instantly, she was inspired to be a hypnotherapist as well. She wanted to have the ability to help others as profoundly as she was helped.
She's now dedicated to empowering individuals and groups through harnessing the vast potential of their subconscious mind, using various methods including hypnotherapy, NLP (nuero linguistic programming, which is exactly what it sounds like. It reprograms your mind!), ericksonian and interactive guided therapy.
The results she's had with clients are astounding. She's witnessed changes in diet, exercise, mood, motivation, well being, pain, smoking, phobias, general mental attitude and much more, literally in many cases, overnight.
Gabrielle is also an Actress, Stand Up Comic, Writer, Speaker and Teacher. She's worked with elementary school children in grant funded Theater Arts Programs, as well as a Group Counselor with SED (Seriously Emotionally Disturbed) Adolescents in a Group home, where she instituted Theater and Physical Exercise Programs. Teaching English as a Second Language for LA Unified was also a rewarding experience for her.
All of her varied experience has empowered her with great intuition, compassion, humor, fearlessness and patience that can only be cultivated from working with angry teens and doing Stand up comedy :).
Gabrielle feels blessed that she's in a profession that is so gratifying and looks forward to utilizing her skills and education to the continual betterment of her clients' emotional, physical and mental well being.
She's never felt more fulfilled or rewarded than as a Hypnotherapist.
Gabrielle with client Sam on Hyposis TV discussing how hypnsosis changed her life