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Through Hypnotherapy, your dreams can become a reality.

​Why is it So Hard to Change...
As human beings we're always subconsciously fighting for homeostasis, the desire to stay the same. If you're cold, you start shivering to create heat to bring your temperature back to normal. This is homeostasis and it works the same when the body is faced with any change like a move, the loss of a loved one, dietary restrictions, a new job, boyfriend, boss and so on. It really just doesn't like change because it's unknown to the subconscious.
That's where Hypnotherapy comes in. Since the subconscious mind can't differentiate between fantasy and reality, I as the hypnotherapist, turn that scary "unknown" situation, into a comfortable enlightened one, "a known", which now motivates you to achieve your goals. Now the subconscious mind is on board! That's also when those self sabotaging behaviors stop!!

Sometimes even having a long term illness can be "a known" the subconscious is comfortable with and through hypnosis and working with your current medical team, we can shift associations and promote the body's natural healing response. Accounts of healing and chronic pain dissolving are not uncommon in Hypnotherapy clients.

Homeostasis affects our finances as well. The desire to stay the same...Wonder why your income hasn't increased beyond your expectations and for some has remained the same for years? Time to change that life script (the stories we believe that shape our lives).

Truly everything falls under the umbrella of Hypnotherapy, if you have any doubt or question, just call for a free consultation. I look forward to hearing from each and every one of you.

Here's a List of Some of the Conditions Hypnotherapy benefits:
Stress Elimination and Relaxation * Weight Loss
Goal Attainment * Alleviate Unwanted Habits (Smoking, nail biting, etc)
Success Motivation * Overcome Fears & Phobias (Flying, Heights, etc)
Overcome Rejection 
Relationship Enhancement HEALTH ISSUES & PAIN MANAGEMENT
Healing of Memories * Chronic Pain Management & Alleviation
Spiritual Renewal * Preparation for Dental Procedure
Unblocking Creativity * Pre & Post Operative Surgical Preparation
Improving Study Skills * Fertility & Obstetric Patients
Improving Memory * Adjunct Therapy for Medical Treatment
Athletic Improvement (Tiger Woods uses Hypnotherapy)
Increasing Confidence and Self Esteem
Expanding Your Life Script
Getting rid of Limiting Beliefs
Grief & Stages of Loss

NOTE: Hypnotherapists are not licensed healing arts practitioners. Some medical conditions require doctors referral.

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